
Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Save Gas. Work at Home!


We've all known for a long time that working at home is good for the soul, for most of us at least. Working at home allows us to live more flexible, stress-free lives, allows us more quality time with those we love, and well, it's fun!

People that work at home also put fewer pollutants in the air, fewer cars on the road, and take up less space in parking lots and office buildings. The tragedies of September 11 also show us that working at home may be safer than working in large groups.

"If you pay $3 per gallon of gas in your local area, drive a car that gets twenty miles per gallon and have a twenty five minute commute to work in the morning, it may be costing you $125.00 per month just to get to work and back."

Within days, some gas stations began selling gas at over $6.00 a gallon and frankly, no one seems to know where it will end.

If you pay $3 per gallon of gas in your local area, drive a car that gets twenty miles per gallon and have a twenty five minute commute to work in the morning, it may be costing you about $6 PER DAY to get to and from work. That's over $125.00 per month in gas cost alone.

Switch to a work at home career and you'll save $30/week on gas, but you'll probably also save a lot more. Day care costs? Parking? Vehicle maintenance? Meals away from home? Dry cleaning? Would you save on these expenses if you were able to work at home?

Our country is facing a national crisis after Hurricaene Katrina. We may even see dark days of long lines at the gas station come back again.

It's the right thing to do to conserve energy. As if you needed yet another great excuse to start working at home, there it is.

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