Can Clogged Drains Make Money Online?
Funny, but yes, clogged drains do make money online. At least in this case I’ll talk about. I’m referring to Genius! I admit I have never bumped into this keyword in my months of doing keyword research.
Clogged drains. I wonder how he (William Farrell?) thought of this extremely targeted niche. Was it because of his wife’s incessant nagging to fix the messy drain? Eureka! I found it! Maybe those were the words that raced out of his lips.
What can we get out of this? That there are still niches out there waiting for you to catch them. And this guy is pretty quick in snatching the domain of the keyword phrase, “fix clogged drains”.
He simply noticed a need, (Didn’t I tell somewhere that the foundation of a successful business is finding a need then filling it? Or finding a problem then offer a solution?) then checked his keyword tool (maybe), registered the domain name, slapped some contents, placed some Google ads, drove traffic, and bingo! The site earns about $20 per month (got this info from one of the forums).
$20 may not be big money for you but it’s a good start, and it shows that you can really make money online. How about repeating the process and making tons of websites? 10 sites would fetch $200 per month. 30 sites have a potential to make $600 per month. Got it?
In adsense, it is easier to make $20 per site per month than making $600 per month on one site. That’s in my experience, I don’t know about you. But of course there are some exceptions like Markus Frind with his site which reportedly makes $10,000 a day, repeat A DAY! in 2006. $20,000 this year? Maybe.
I don’t like his niche, (and I won’t give it my precious link) and I would not go into that niche of matching people, but the point is, he discovered a niche, he found a need and filled it.
Steve Pavlina gets $1,000 per day with his personal development blog. There are many other individual blogs which rake in thousands of dollars per month.
How about you? If you’re trying to copy the fix clogged drain guy, there are still hundreds of how to fix clogged things available. Clogged canals, clogged noses? :>) Oh, by the way, he already got “how to fix a clogged toilet” Yucky! “how to fix a clogged bathtub”, “how to prevent another clogged drain” – a subniche?
You can try using the keyword tool and type in “how to fix”. I tried this and here are the results:
Fix credit - 8213
fix registry - 5362
Fix your credit report - 3453
Fix my computer - 3243
Fix bad credit - 2894
Fix credit score - 1650
Fix ipod - 1452
Fix a toilet - 1220
Fix slow computer - 910
Fix a leaky faucet - 813
Fix a playstation 2 - 785
Dozens more.
The numbers after each keyword is the number of searchers per month.
Got it now?
Find a need, find a problem, then offer a solution.
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