
Thursday, August 9, 2007

Tips on How to Incorporate Exercise into your Work at Home Lifestyle

By Jennifer Kane, B.S. Exercise Science

The following ideas and suggestions may help you adopt an exercise program that'll have you feeling great and looking fantastic:

• Set realistic goals for yourself. You know what you are capable of.

· Use your work at home job as an opportunity to exercise… take the baby for a walk, play active games with the kids in the yard. You work at home, take advantage of it!

• Decide how many days per week you can realistically fit exercise into your schedule. (3-4 days is generally recommended to reap the benefits of exercise.)

• Decide how long you will be able to engage in a certain activity… (At least 20-30 min per session)

• Pick an activity you are most likely to enjoy, but vary what you do to avoid boredom i.e. walking, rollerblading, aerobics. Consider exercising at home during your lunch time.

• Try to perform the activity at the same time each session so it becomes a part of your routine.

• Put aside workout clothes the night before as a reminder but also to help prepare you mentally for your workout session.

· If you’re not able to work out in the morning routine, let a trigger, such as your baby falling asleep, to signal that it’s your special time now to exercise.

Ways to Motivate Yourself

• Join a gym, walking club or stroller group such as Stroller Fit or Baby Boot Camp. The sight of other people exercising or working out in a group can be very motivating.

• Workout with a buddy such as a friend, neighbor or husband. (Or even your kids)

• Keep an exercise journal. You can keep track of what exercises you are doing and your progression.

• Imagine how good you will look and feel.

• Become competitive. This one is not for everyone, but it works for me. Strive to be in better shape than ________. (Fill in the blank i.e. hubby)

· Visualize being healthy, active and still alive for the kid’s wedding and the weddings of your grand children.

· View your exercise time as a treat… a good excuse to take a break from your work at home job.

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