
Thursday, September 20, 2007

How to Boost Traffic with Articles

By: Jenny Harvard

Unless your website is just for your own viewing purpose, else internet traffic extremely important as the key driver for you online business. Without the internet traffic generated to you website, you will definitely failed in online business because nobody able to find your website, no matter how good is your sale page, how attractive is your website and how wonderful is your product. The bottom line is no traffic, no sales & no money earn.

That's why to be success in online business, besides having wonderful products and strong sales page at your website, you need to generate as much internet traffic as positive to website. As long as there are people visiting your website and looking at your products or services, only that you have chances to make a sales.

There are many ways to generate traffic to you website. Among the common use methods include:

  • Pay-per-click advertising, such as Google Adword, Yahoo PPC & etc
  • Email marketing
  • List building
  • Free Reports
  • Newsletter
  • Article writing & submission
Article writing and submission is among the most effective and cheapest source of internet traffic. It is the No. 1 internet marketing method that not only generate traffic but also back links to your website.

Article writing is not that hard, you write article related to your products or services and submit these articles to various article directories. Most of article directories will accept article at about 300 words in length, but the safer length would be 500 words which will cover 95% of article directories. Keep your article with 1000 words if you have long story; you will make your readers bore if your article is too long.

At the end of your article, remember to put your author's bio & some information about your products or services. This is the area where you link back your article readers to your website and expose your wonderful products or services. Most of article directories allow you to put 3 hyperlinks on your article.

Submit your article to as much article directories as possible for maximum exposure. Once the article directories approve and publish your article, it will expose your website to many webmaster and other site publishers and if there are interested in your article, they will publish on their website and newsletter. More readers will be directed to your website via the links you place at the end of your article.

Then, start over again, write as many articles as you can and submit to as many article directories as you can found on internet. You should see a dramatic in increase in traffic. With more traffic generated to your website, you have more chances to sell more quantity and earn more.

The Catch Of Article Submission

Internet marketing through article submission is a recognized to be the most effective traffic generation. But it has one major catch which may stop many internet marketers from effectively using this method to boost their online business. The catch is article submission takes time; not just a little of time, a lot of it. And it is a very tiring task.

For example, you have 10 articles and you want to submit them to 300 article directories, each submission may take you 3 minutes (it may be longer if you need to register and confirm your account). You will need 150 hours to complete the submission.

Fortunately, your 150 hours can be saved by out source the time consuming article submission task to article submission services and article submitter software. There are many article submission services doing the perfect jobs. And if you are serious about internet marketing through article writing and submission, then invest on a good article submission software is worthy. Good article submitter software should allow you to effectively manage and monitor your article submission.

In Summary

Article writing and submission is the proven method of internet marketing that will boost internet traffic to your website. Article writing and submission is the most effective and cheapest ways of internet traffic generation and it can be made easy with article submission service or article submitter software.

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