
Sunday, September 9, 2007

Search engine marketing 101

Here are a few tips to get you started on the right foot...
First make sure you're offering something people are actually "searching" for, the product should meet a need, fix a problem, or provide a highly sought after service. All the clicks in the world won't make you money if nobody wants what you have.

Next try to target the people you're actually looking to sell to, for example if you're selling soap, you should make your ad appeal to dirty people (jk!) but you know what I mean. Make sure your ad shows you have the answer to their specific need.

Lastly try to make your ad stand out above the rest, you don't want to mention the same perks every other ad on the page has, why would they pick yours? Try to highlight what makes your product better than any others out there. If you're not the cheapest, maybe you have the best service...

More tips soon to come, GL


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